Tips for Living in Your Home During a Major Renovation

Tips for Living in Your Home During a Major Renovation

Tips for Living in Your Home During a Major Renovation

Living through a renovation feels like camping in your own home, it’s an adventure with a bit of roughing it. If you’re planning a home renovation and intend to stay put, you’re in the right place for guidance. This article will break down the key steps on how to renovate a house while living in it, helping you keep your project on track and your life relatively hassle-free.


8 Best Tips For Living At Home During A Remodel:


Here are the top 8 tips that you can follow to make your living at your home during a home renovation way more easier and mess free. 


Plan Your Living Arrangements Ahead:


When planning a home renovation, especially if you’re considering living in the house during the home renovation, it’s essential to prepare your living arrangements well in advance to maintain a semblance of normal life. Here’s how you can manage this effectively:


Convert a Space for Temporary Living: One practical approach is to convert an existing area, such as a room or garage, into a temporary living space. This allows you to keep parts of your daily routine intact while sections of your home are being renovated. 


For example, you could set up a mini kitchen with essentials like a microwave, refrigerator, and perhaps a small cooking station in your garage or a spare bedroom. This setup not only keeps your family comfortable but also minimizes the disruption to your everyday activities.


Phased Renovation Approach: To reduce the overall impact of the renovation, consider a phased approach tackling one part of the house at a time. This strategy not only helps in living at home during a remodel but also allows you to better manage your budget and make adjustments as the project progresses. By focusing on one area, you can shift your living spaces around the construction rather than having your entire home turned upside down.


Safety First: Safety is paramount when planning a home renovation, especially how to renovate a house while living in it. Ensure that there is a safe, clean space for your family to use, which is especially important if you have children or pets. This might mean setting up barriers to construction zones or ensuring that tools and materials are stored away safely at the end of each day. Additionally, maintaining cleanliness by using dust barriers and frequent vacuuming can help reduce health risks associated with airborne particles.


Create a Detailed Timeline with Your Contractor:


Coordinate Schedules: Begin by sitting down with your home remodeling company to map out the entire project timeline. This should include all key milestones and the expected hours of work each day. Having a clear schedule helps minimize disruption to your daily routine and ensures that everyone knows what work will be happening and when. This coordination is essential for living comfortably and securely in your home as it transforms.


Stay Flexible: While a detailed timeline is invaluable, it’s equally important to remain flexible. Understand that unexpected delays can occur, whether due to material delivery issues, weather conditions, or other unforeseen circumstances. Discuss with your contractor what backup plans exist for such scenarios. This might mean having to adjust your living arrangements temporarily or extending deadlines for certain phases of the project.


By working closely with your contractor and maintaining open lines of communication, you can navigate the complexities of how to renovate a house while living in it. Keeping informed and adaptable allows you to handle bumps along the way while ensuring that the renovation moves forward as smoothly as possible.



Set Up a Temporary Kitchen and Bathroom:


Setting up a temporary kitchen and bathroom is essential when you’re living at home during a remodel, especially during a bathroom renovation while living in the house. Here’s how you can organize these spaces effectively:


Kitchen Tips:


  • Utilize portable appliances such as microwaves, mini-fridges, and hot plates to create a functional temporary kitchen. These appliances can be set up in an area of your home away from the main construction, like a dining room or a covered garage.
  • Consider meal-prepping and using simple recipes that require minimal cooking to reduce stress and minimize the need for extensive kitchen facilities. This will help keep your family fed and healthy without the full capabilities of your usual kitchen setup.

Bathroom Tips:


  • If your home includes more than one bathroom, it’s a good strategy to designate one specifically for the use of construction workers. This helps maintain privacy and cleanliness in the family’s bathroom.
  • For the bathroom that remains in use by your family, make sure it is stocked with all necessary supplies and that pathways to and from this bathroom are kept clear and safe from construction work or debris.
  • By organizing these spaces thoughtfully, your home remodeling company can continue with the renovations with minimal disruptions to your daily life. These setups not only facilitate a more comfortable living environment but also help maintain hygiene and routine throughout the duration of the remodel.


Maintain Cleanliness and Manage Dust:


Maintaining cleanliness and managing dust are critical aspects when living at home during a remodel. Here are some practical ways to keep your home clean and reduce the inconvenience of construction dust:


Use Dust Barriers:


Install plastic sheeting or temporary walls around the construction area to contain the dust. These barriers help to prevent dust from spreading into your living spaces, making it easier to maintain a cleaner home during renovations.


Air Purifiers and Ventilation:


Investing in high-quality air purifiers can significantly improve indoor air quality by filtering out dust particles and other contaminants. Additionally, ensure good ventilation by opening windows or using exhaust fans to help clear out dust and keep the air fresh.


Frequent Cleaning:


  • Regularly clean areas close to the construction zone to prevent dust accumulation. Daily sweeping, vacuuming with HEPA filters, and wiping down surfaces can help keep your temporary living spaces hygienic and comfortable for the duration of the remodel.

living at home during a remodel

Maintaining Privacy and Security:


Maintaining privacy and security is a crucial consideration when planning a home renovation, particularly when living in the house during the home renovation. Here are some key points to consider:


Secure the Premises:


  • Ensure that all doors and windows are securely locked after workers leave for the day.
  • Consider upgrading locks or installing a temporary security system to monitor the renovation areas, especially if sections of your home are exposed or easily accessible.

Designated Access Areas:


  • Limit the access of construction crews to only those areas where work is being done. Clearly mark private zones where no workers are allowed, using signs or barriers to protect your family’s privacy.

Personal Belongings:


  • Secure personal belongings, sensitive documents, and valuable items in a locked room or off-site storage. This not only protects your items from theft but also from dust and damage during the construction process.

Surveillance and Lighting:


  • Installing temporary cameras or increasing outdoor lighting can deter trespassers and help keep the property secure during the remodel. It also allows you to monitor construction activity remotely, ensuring that your home is respected and secure.

Communication with Contractors:


  • Maintain open lines of communication with your contractors about who will be on site each day and what areas they will be accessing. This transparency helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that your privacy is respected throughout the renovation process.


Handling Utilities and Appliances:


When planning a home renovation, particularly when living in the house during the home renovation, handling utilities and appliances efficiently is crucial to minimize disruptions. Here are some strategies to consider:


Plan Utility Shutdowns:


  • Coordinate with your contractor to schedule any necessary shutdowns of water, gas, or electricity. Plan these for times when they will cause the least disruption to your daily activities. If possible, set up temporary solutions, like using a generator for power outages or scheduling major work during warmer months if heating will be affected.

Protect Appliances from Dust and Damage:


  • Cover and seal off appliances that are not being moved but are near construction areas to protect them from dust and debris. For appliances that need to be relocated, ensure they are properly disconnected, moved, and stored in a safe area until they can be reinstalled.

Access to Water:


  • If your water needs to be turned off for plumbing updates, arrange to have access to an alternative water source for essential needs like drinking, cooking, and flushing toilets. You might consider filling tubs or large containers with water beforehand or setting up temporary kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Safety Measures for Gas and Electrical Systems:


  • Ensure that any modifications to gas lines or electrical wiring are handled by qualified professionals. Regular checks and testing should be performed to prevent leaks, electrical shorts, and other hazards.


Communication and Emergency Plan:


  • Keep communication lines open with your contractor to receive updates about utility management. Additionally, have an emergency plan in place for quick response in case of unexpected utility issues during the renovation process.

Mental Health and Stress Management:


Renovating a home, especially when living in it, can be a stressful endeavor that may affect your mental health. Understanding how to manage stress and potential depression during home renovation is crucial. Here are some strategies to help maintain mental wellness:


Establish a Safe Haven:


  • Create a peaceful space in your home that is free from renovation chaos. This could be a specific room or a corner that is kept clean, quiet, and comfortable. Use this space to relax, unwind, and escape from the stressors of the renovation.

Maintain Routine and Normalcy:


  • Try to keep your daily routines as normal as possible. This includes meal times, sleep schedules, and leisure activities. Consistency can help reduce stress and mitigate feelings of depression during home renovation.


Set Realistic Expectations:


  • Understand that renovation projects often come with unexpected challenges and may take longer than anticipated. Setting realistic expectations and preparing mentally for setbacks can help reduce frustration and the risk of depression.

Seek Social Support:


  • Don’t isolate yourself. Share your experiences with friends or family, or join online forums where others are going through similar experiences. Talking about your challenges and successes can provide relief and valuable insights.

Take Breaks and Get Out:


  • When the disruption feels overwhelming, take a break. Whether it’s a short walk, a day out, or a weekend getaway, changing your environment temporarily can provide a significant mental boost.


Focus on the Positive:


  • Keep in mind the reason behind the renovation and the benefits it will bring. Visualizing the completed project can help maintain a positive outlook and motivate you through the tough phases of the renovation.

Professional Help:


  • If you find the stress unmanageable or if symptoms of depression persist, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. They can provide strategies and support tailored to your specific needs.

Also Read: 7 Things to do after you’re done with home renovation 



Living at home during a remodel is undoubtedly challenging but also deeply rewarding. As you navigate through the dusty days and the noise, remember that each step brings you closer to the home of your dreams. It’s important to address any signs of depression during home renovation proactively, ensuring your mental health is preserved alongside the physical transformation of your space. 

Whether it’s a kitchen upgrade or a bathroom renovation while living in the house, each improvement is a step towards a more functional and enjoyable home. Keep your focus on the future benefits, and use the tips and strategies discussed to make the renovation process as smooth as possible. 




What are the top three things I should prepare for if I live at home during a renovation?


Plan for dust and noise management, establish a clear and safe living space, and arrange your daily routine around the renovation schedule.


How can I keep my pets safe and stress-free during renovations?


Keep pets in a quiet, comfortable part of the house away from the construction, maintain their routine as much as possible, and consider daycare or a temporary stay with friends or family if needed.


What should I do if my renovation impacts essential utilities like water or electricity?


Set up temporary solutions such as water storage or a backup generator, and plan activities that do not require utilities during outages, coordinating closely with your contractor for timing.


Is it safer to move out during major structural changes?


Moving out can be safer and less stressful during significant structural renovations to avoid hazards, dust, and noise, especially when the structural integrity of living areas might be compromised.